DG, NILDS Delivers Goodwill Message at Hypertension Sensitization Programme

DG, NILDS Delivers Goodwill Message at Hypertension Sensitization Programme

During the Hypertension Sensitization Programme organized by the Department of Public Health, Health Planning and Research, Health Services Directorate, National Assembly Clinic in Abuja, a goodwill message was delivered on Monday, June 19, 2023. The Director General of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar O. Sulaiman, was represented by Mallam Aminu Bello Dukku, the Acting Director of Administration and Human Resources.

It is worth noting that the United Nations Organization (UNO) designates May 17th every year as World Hypertension Day. According to the Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF), there are approximately 76.2 million hypertensive Nigerian adults, of which only 23 million seek treatment. This alarming statistic reveals that one in every three Nigerian adults is hypertensive. Similarly, the Nigerian Hypertension Society (NHS) states that hypertension remains the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide.

The objective of the sensitization program was to raise awareness about hypertension and highlight its status as a silent killer.

In his goodwill message, the Director General expressed gratitude to the organizers for conducting the sensitization program, recognizing its importance for the public and particularly the Legislative arm of government. He emphasized the significance of hypertension as a critical health condition and called for continuous national health campaigns.

Furthermore, the Director General extended his appeal to the Secretary of Health Services, urging the extension of their services to the staff members of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS).

