Institute Mulls Partnership with NILDS to Incorporate Forensic Investigation into Legislation in Nigeria.

Institute Mulls Partnership with NILDS to Incorporate Forensic Investigation into Legislation in Nigeria.

On Monday, A Delegation from the Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Investigators of Nigeria, Led by the Registrar, Ms. Olutola Akinosi was received by the Director General of NILDS, Prof. Abubakar O. Sulaiman.

The Courtesy Visit Bordered on Mainstreaming Forensic Investigation into the Activities of Relevant Committees of the National Assembly, Which Could be realized through Partnership with National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, the Knowledge Management Hub of the National Assembly.

Prof. Sulaiman expressed his congratulations to the Institute for obtaining the charter bill’s assent from former President Muhammadu Buhari on December 23, 2022. Additionally, he reassured them of NILDS’ dedication to identifying opportunities for collaboration, particularly concerning upcoming training programs for NILDS and National Assembly staff, as well as Legislators at both the national and state levels.

